Fair Deal: An Improvised Mediation
Host Joe Wendrychowicz is joined by different comedians each episode to perform completely improvised mediations inspired by real life disputes.
32 episodes
The Blue Crab (Cindy Heffron, Sofya Piro, Josh Searle)
Cindy and Josh cannot agree on how to spend their vacation budget. Sofya is a party planner.
Episode 32
Literal Witches (Jacque Arend, Nick Armstrong, Jillian McManus)
Jennifer complains of neighbor Bobbi's nightly routine. Jacque is running retreats in the desert.
Episode 31
No More, No Less (Sarah Carter, Noah Kram, Tanya Morgan)
Sarah and Noah can't decide where to park their car. Tanya has begun tapping into a whole new audience for mediation.
Episode 30
Thirst Is Everything (Neil Bardhan, Scott Hinners, Derrick Houck)
Neil and Derrick dispute over the direction of their company. Scott pulls pranks.
Episode 29
Love Bombing (Christina Anthony, Gab Bottoni, Andrew Coppola)
Christina is bullying Andrew at work. Gab is lonely.
Episode 28
Chaos Ball of Madness (Kai Bobbi, Sarah Clemency, Jimmy O'Donnell)
Kai can't get on board with Jimmy's new sleeping arrangements. Sarah is writing a musical.
Episode 27
The Torpedo Triplets (Scott Campbell, Michael Savitski, Kristen Schier)
Kristen has plans to fulfill a lifelong dream, but Michael takes issue with it. Scott loves different food textures.
Episode 26
Vows to No One (Caitlin Corkery, Andrew Nealis, Jon Plester)
A longtime friendship needs repairing after Jon refuses to read at Andrew's wedding. Caitlin brings her daughter to work.
Episode 25
McGinty's, McGillicutty's, and McSorley's (Dan Corkery, Kristin Finger, Rob O'Neill)
Dan and Kristin's karaoke feud has hit its breaking point. Rob aims to be more judgmental.
Episode 24
Bunches' Lunches (Neil Bardhan, Jabari Dortch, Tom Hannigan)
A roadtrip goes sour for Jabari and Tom when a playlist goes unplayed. Neil teaches everyone about enneagrams.
Episode 23
Defenestrate (Sam Abrams, Ralph Andracchio, Steve Kleinedler)
Business partners Steve and Ralph do not share the same vision on how to run their company. Sam tries to sabotage Secret Santa.
Episode 22
Legally Dead (Nick Gillette, Stacie Lyons, Jon Plester)
Nick refuses to break character after Stacie has a medical emergency during a performance. Jon is writing a screenplay.
Episode 21
Two Clear Voices (Tia Kemp, Noah Levine, Joe Moore)
Roommates Tia and Joe can't agree on how to fairly divide their belongings as Joe prepares to move out. Noah's mediations make him Tik Tok famous.
Episode 20
Turkey-Filled Good Time (Lauren Cantell, Colin Mallee, Siobhan O'Hara)
Lauren and Colin are at odds over Wawa's Hoagiefest. Siobhan is looking for a rush.
Episode 19
The Lions Have Hearts (Max Sittenfield, Hunter Steffes, Meredith Weir)
A new mediation season is upon us and we begin with a dispute that has many twists. Max and Meredith are two authors accusing each other of plagiarism. Meanwhile, Hunter challenges himself to be the perfect mediator.
Episode 18
A Toothless Poet (Fred Brown, Caitlin Corkery, Kate Fruhman)
Caitlin and Fred seek help in resolving a dinner time dispute that's ruined their relationship. Kate shares her summer plans as mediation season comes to an end.
Episode 17
Panda Listserv (Neil Bardhan, Lali Gill, Dave Sucharski)
A dinner party turns disastrous for Dave and Lali after a viral video is shown. Neil hints at his family code word.
Episode 16
Svender (Jason Hays, Erica Maity, Kristen Schier)
Jason and Erica work towards putting a very dark sibling rivalry to rest. Kristen spots some celebs.
Episode 15
Let It Melt (Rob Alesiani, Emma Needleman, Joe Tuzzi)
Rob and Joe work to bring peace to the neighborhood. Emma shares her newest business venture.
Episode 14
Ibiza with Proper Dodgy (Andrew Nealis, Rachel Semigran, Lizzie Spellman)
Babette and Georgie disagree on how to plan a trip. Andrew goes to the airport.
Episode 13
Call Me Mommy (Gab Bottoni, Robyn Cartlidge, Jacob Todd)
Robyn wants more privacy from her mother Gab. Jacob is on the rebound.
Episode 12
Mulligan (Christina Anthony, Nick Gillette, Jimmy Wyatt)
A fruit feud creates a divide between Christina and Jimmy and even causes families to turn on each other. Nick gets a second chance.
Episode 11
Antique Gun (Nick Connors, Liam Dougherty, Melanie Lynch)
Sibling rivalry takes on a whole new meaning when Liam and Melanie share what they fight about most. Nick gets married.
Episode 10